If you’re beginning an aspiring career in designer or drafter, starting a new project that calls for the use of Autodesk AutoCAD or your hardware simply needs upgrading, you should take a look at a few important aspects before buying a CAD Workstation to use AutoCAD.
As AutoCAD can be used to draw any 2D sketch and 3D model digitally as opposed to by hand, it demands lots of power on hardware. It was created to help drafters and designers make their ideas faster, so what use would it be to run the program on a CAD-equipped computer which would slow the program down? How do you know which equipment to use in the midst of all the alternatives available?
Here are a few things to keep in mind when selecting an CAD workstation to use with AutoCAD:
1. Understand your workloads
The first step in selecting the correct CAD software for your needs is to think about the purposes you plan to use this software to. For instance, if you’ll use AutoCAD for draughting with 2D drawings or smaller 3D models, you will not require a computer with the same specifications as someone who will use AutoCAD to create big 3D models.
Check out this website when shopping for the best computer For AutoCAD.
2. Consider other programs or software you may require
In the event that AutoCAD is the program you will use regularly for draughting and drawing, but you sometimes require rendering your model in 3ds Max, it’s important to look for a CAD computer that runs the program with the same efficiency. If the image you import into 3ds Max isn’t that large however, the requirements to run the program by itself are far more than what’s needed to run a minimal workload in AutoCAD.
3. You should think about a system with lots of storage space on the disk
Although this might appear to be something that is obvious yet it is rarely examined in depth. For instance the latest version of AutoCAD (AutoCAD 2021) uses up seven GB on an Windows operating system. This doesn’t include special toolsets, large data sets, point clouds and 3D models which could be built up over time as well as the install of other software , such as 3ds Max or. It’s essential to have more storage space than you think you’ll need.
4. Spend money on a top graphics card
While AutoCAD can turn on software graphics acceleration, for example, calculating the graphics that are displayed by using only the CPU, the performance on that would be rather poor and slow. Particularly when you’re dealing with 3D models or having more than one monitor or a 4k monitor. The software is extremely graphics heavy, which is why it makes sense to support the software with a CAD computer that has a graphics card of the highest quality to get the most performance.
5. Choose the right CPU & specifications for RAM
When choosing CPU and RAM specifications, there are lots of aspects to think about based on the software you’re using and the demands of your work. Both are equally crucial. The other is more effective in terms of overall performance. The number of tasks the CPU is capable of handling is greatly dependent on the quantity of RAM available , since it will store the data the CPU processes, thus allowing more applications to run simultaneously.
Autodesk tend to develop their products around Xeon CPU’s rather than i7’s or I9’s due to their larger caches and bigger calculations. We generally recommend Xeon CPUs for an enterprise-grade CAD environment, particularly where rendering is heavily used. It also offers durability and reliability, as it is a business grade processor.