When your financial institution or other financial firm provided you with something that isn’t appropriate and you’re not satisfied, you can file an inquiry. If you’re dissatisfied with the answer you get from the company you may submit an appeal to Financial Ombudsman Service.
What exactly is the term “financial mis-selling?
You may have been wrongly sold a financial product if the features or risks weren’t explained to you in a clear manner or the product that was recommended to you wasn’t appropriate for you and your particular situation.
When the individual who recommended you is a financial advisor, they should suggest something that meets your requirements and clearly explain what the product does and cannot do.
If they don’t it could be possible to get compensation.
Things to keep in mind about selling to the wrong people:
It’s not about if you made money even if you did not lose out, if you feel the product doesn’t suit your needs (perhaps as a result of a more risky option than one you’re confident with) you are still able to make an appeal against the financial mis-selling.
However, you cannot protest because your investment did poorly. Certain investments can be risky and if you decide to take an investment, you have to accept the possibility of losing money. But , you can claim that you were not informed about the risks.
It’s not only about investments also. If you’ve been offered an insurance, mortgage or protection plan that is not appropriate for your situation there could be an argument for fraud.
Mortgage examples that were mis-sold (including endowments)
There are a few ways that you could have been mis-sold a mortgage
Your mortgage expiration date occurs after the date you retire.
You weren’t informed about the commission that advisers get from the lender.
You were instructed not to sign a self-certificate (borrow money without showing your income) or exaggerate your income to get more money
You were advised to change lender but were not informed about the charges and penalties
You received a fixed-rate mortgage, and advised to refinance to get a better rate later you were then charged penalties for abandoning the fixed rate earlier.
For help with Bamboo loans claims, get in touch with claimspeople.com.
Investment examples that have been mis-sold
A few ways to tell if you’ve been misinformed about your investment
You weren’t informed of the risks that was involved
you weren’t informed of what the money would be used
the product wasn’t suited to your needs or your attitude towards the risk you’ve talked about with your adviser.
What do you do if been deceived about an investment product
Act quickly
If you wish to make a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service there is an initial time frame of six years from the date you received the product or three years from the time you realized (or could reasonably realized) there was something wrong, or earlier.
However, before you go for the Ombudsman you must make a complaint to your service provider. Find out more about the steps you have to follow.
If you’re having a problem regarding a workplace or personal pension plan that you are unable to solve with the plan, you could contact for the Pensions Ombudsman to look into the issue for you.
First, Gather all the information you’ll need
It is not necessary to look for any evidence to prove your point however you will need to describe your problem.
Be concise, clear and adhere on to your facts.
Take all the necessary information , as well as any written proof.
Take copies of any relevant documentation you’ve gathered from the time you registered for the product
Step two: complain to your adviser or provider
Request a copy of the internal complaints procedure of your company Every company need one. It will indicate who to reach. Most often, you’ll find this on the website of the company.
The company has up to eight weeks to reply. If they fail to respond to you, you may directly contact the ombudsman’s service.
If you’re dissatisfied with the final answer from the company You can wait for six weeks to submit complaints to Financial Ombudsman Service.
If the company has been shut down and you’re entitled to compensation. check out the section to the left of the page.
Third step — request for the Financial Ombudsman Service to investigate
If you’re unhappy with the response of the company in response to your concern, you can raise your concerns to the Financial Ombudsman Service.
Typically, you’ll go to an ombudsman when the company doesn’t give you an official decision within the eight weeks following the date of your first complaint. However, when they’re accommodating and keep you updated about the status of your complaint, you may want to hold off for a bit.
If the complaint is based on something that occurred years ago and is not a recent event, it could take time to locate the relevant records and speak with the right individuals about the issue.
The ombudsman’s final decision is the final word however if you’re unsatisfied, as the alternative, you might be able to bring the issue to the courts.
Take your time before you make a decision. Court cases can be expensive There’s no way to guarantee that you’ll prevail.
Compensation limits
There is a limit on the amount you may receive in the event of financial loss, after your case is looked over by the Financial Ombudsman. In certain situations the resolution may not contain any financial compensation.
As of April 1, 2022 the limit for compensation will increase from £350,000 to complaints made after this date.
For complaints regarding actions that took place prior to 1 April 2019, the limit is reduced to £160,000.
Limits should be adjusted each year to ensure they remain in line with inflation.
If the company that advised you is no longer of business, you can find them here.
Even if the business is insolvent and cannot afford to pay any money, you may be eligible for compensation through the Financial Services Compensation Scheme.