Everyone knows the standard advantages of flooring made of tiles: durability and low maintenance. But, there are additional advantages to be aware of that may not be as obvious.
What are the benefits you don’t get from carpet or laminate? Take a look at the list below to take a new look at tile flooring benefits.
1 Help to Save the Environment
Tiles come in so many kinds of materials and each of them have different eco-friendly characteristics. These tiles are easy to make from clay which is a renewable resource. However, even quarried stone can make an excellent environmentally-friendly choice since new technologies have allowed those quarries to be reclaimed much faster, preventing and reducing damage to the environment. Stone tile can also be recycled and lasts for a long duration. Limestone when it is conscientiously extracted, could be described as a sustainable resource too.
2 Install when water will Be Nearby
It is evident that carpeting cannot withstand humid environments like ceramic or stone tile. But, even laminates may have problems with warping when they are exposed to constant moisture. Porous stone, like limestone, can withstand water and aren’t as slippery when wet as tiles made of marble but both work well in humid conditions. They do not degrade just because they get a little wet. That’s why people choose tiles for kitchens and bathrooms, as there is a higher risk that spills can happen.
3 Make Your Indoor Air Quality Higher
Carpet fibers may conceal lots of pollen and dirt and can be difficult to keep clear. Laminates, though less difficult to maintain they are also composed of synthetic materials that off-gas Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs) which can pollute indoor air. If you suffer from asthma a natural tile floor is a must to maintain high the quality of indoor air. They are not only easier to clean up, but they do not emit a gas like other flooring materials. Tiles are very effective on the entryways that allow people to get dirt and allergens frequently.
4 Eliminate the Need for Indoor Cooling
Tiles, particularly stone tiles are more comfortable than laminate and carpet. In hot climates, tiles are an appealing option due to their ability to maintain cooler temperatures in the house. Ceiling tiles and fans can create a comfortable space when other homes may require costly air conditioning, especially in the case of carpeting which tends to warm a floor.
5 Use with Radiant Floor Heating
If you live in a warmer climate, tiles can still be the ideal option when they are paired along with radiant flooring heating. So you can enjoy the ideal of both worlds: cooler in the summer and warmer in winter. Although you can install radiant floor heating under laminate flooring it’s easier to harm the flooring this way because laminate flooring isn’t as water resistant as ceramic or stone. So, both stone and ceramic tiles are much more durable in the even that moisture is released. They are also very good in retaining heat and conducting it longer than laminates and even after the system is shut off. Imagine the pleasure of putting your foot down on the bathroom tile floor and then having radiant flooring beneath.
6 Get a Unique Look
Carpets and laminates can be pretty identical in design. There are laminates that appear like wood, or mimic tile designs, but they will never be able to give you the unique look of a custom-designed tile. Tiles can be cut to the specifications of your preference and laid out in a variety of patterns to create stunning pieces of art. Different types of flooring lack the flexibility and high-quality the tile can provide, which creates beautiful designs. In many cases, you don’t even need fancy cutting techniques to create the unique look. For instance, marble tiles always have a distinct look in each house due to the colors and veins are so unique to every tile. If you are looking for a truly one-of-a-kind look, then stick to stone tiles since each tile is unique and not identical, even when the pattern is similar.
7 Increase the value of your home
Anyone looking to purchase a new home will often overlook homes with bad flooring. On the other hand there are many buyers prepared to pay premium for flooring that is good, that they think of as flooring made of wood or tiles. Not only do they look better, they are also more likely to be viewed as more hygienic choices, since they are easily cleaned and maintained. If you put in tile flooring within your home it can increase the price of resales and recover part of the cost of installation when you sell. It is unlikely to occur if your home is fitted with carpeting. Even laminates, while looked upon more favorably they will also be less durable than tiles and so won’t increase the price of resales as much as a more durable product like floor tiles Leicester made from stone. Increase the value of resales by transforming your kitchen using tiles.
Benefits That Go Beyond the Ordinary
Remember, these are advantages that many people do not think of when they think about tile flooring. It’s not even including the usual benefits of having a very durable long-lasting, durable, and easy to clean floor. If you’re looking for something different from the norm it is worth including tile floors in your home. The benefits of tile flooring are clear. When you want a high quality beautiful and unique floor that can withstand exposure to water, is environmentally-friendly, and natural, the choice is obvious: tiles. And when you consider that you can make your room cooler or warmer (if you are using radiant heat) and increase the resale value of the home, then there is no competition. When compared to carpeting or laminates, tiles will win every time.
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